Appointment reminder

Dear {{name}},


This is a reminder that you have an appointment scheduled on {{startDate}} at {{start}}.

Keep your pass with you and provide your co-operation to security personnel/staff.

{{/beforeStart}} {{#justAfterStart}}

Your appointment was started at {{start}}.
Appointment will take {{duration}} and will end at {{end}}

Keep your pass with you and provide your co-operation to security personnel/staff.

{{/justAfterStart}} {{#justBeforeEnd}}

This is a reminder that Your appointment will end at {{end}}, {{endDate}}.

Make sure to check-out from the kiosk when you leave.

{{/justBeforeEnd}} {{#afterEnd}}

Your appointment was ended at {{end}}, {{endDate}}.


Appointment details:







Best regards,

{{{appData.productName}}} Team

Generated on {{generatedTime}}

If you want to stop receiving these emails, please contact us.

© {{{appData.copyrightTxt}}}. All rights reserved.