{{{appData.productName}}} email verification

Email verification

Dear {{signupCustomer.name}},

You have successfully created a {{appData.productName}} cloud account. You have assigned as the account administrator.

Please verify your email.

Account details:


You have already registered with {{appData.productName}}. Use the same account to log in and use Login options from the user menu (on top right corner on control panel). If you don't remember the password, you can reset the password from login page.

{{#has_password}} {{/has_password}}

User name:




What is next?

You can setup your {{{appData.productName}}} system by following 3 steps:

  1. Create schedules

Create new visitor schedules that

visitors can make appointments.

2. Register Clients

Configure {{{appData.productName}}} client app for visitor attendance and access control.

3. Set up device

Setup visitor self-registration kiosk and place a visitor appointment, also enable online registration.

Best regards,

{{{appData.productName}}} Team

If you want to stop receiving these emails, please contact us.

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